401.8 - Employee Involvement in Decision Making

401.8 - Employee Involvement in Decision Making

Input from employees regarding the students, the education program and other school district operations will be considered by the administration and the board. Employees may be requested to make a presentation to the board. The administration, in its discretion, may consult with employees about proposed changes in the education program and operations of the school district.

Employees having suggestions for changes or improvements in administrative procedure or policy should take such suggestions directly to the principal or the superintendent. The principal or superintendent will discuss the suggestion with the employee. After a final decision is made on any policy or procedure, employees will be expected to accept and support the decision in their subsequent actions, discussions and relations.



Approved: 7-1-92      
Reviewed:   11-14-94, 11-11-97, 10-11-99, 11-14-02, 10-10-05, 12-15-08, 03-12-12, 12/14/16
Revised:  11-14-94, 2-16-22


dawn.gibson.cm… Thu, 07/07/2022 - 11:05