Board Minutes - 2022.01.20

Board Minutes - 2022.01.20

Ruthven-Ayrshire Board of Education
Regular Monthly Meeting Minutes
Thursday, January 20, 2022
Board Room

The Ruthven-Ayrshire Board of Education held its regular meeting with the following in attendance:

Darin Malm, Susan Sikora(virtually), Tracy Enderson, Amy Loder, Jill Conlon, Heather Ruehle(virtually) and Stephanie Fay. Administration in attendance included Superintendent/Elementary Principal Marshall Lewis.

Absent from the monthly meeting- SBO/Board Secretary Alyssa Enderson                                  

All motions were unanimous unless otherwise noted.


Call to Order - President Malm at 6:00 PM

Review of District Mission Statement - Conlon

Approve Agenda - Motion by Enderson to approve the agenda with no additions or corrections. Second by Fay. Motion carried.

Welcome Visitors and Guests - None

Board Learning- None

Communications- Letter received in mail for records request.

Business & Action Items -

Consent Items - Motion made by Fay to approve consent items. Second by Conlon. Motion carried.

Minutes - December Board Minutes were reviewed and approved as is.

Approval of Bills/Claims- Presentation by Lewis

Financial Reports - Presentation by Lewis

Activity Reports- Presentation by Lewis

Student Activity Fund Journal Entries- Motion by Fay to approve Journal Entries. Second by Conlon. Motion carried.

Master Calendar- Motion by Enderson to approve the 2022-2023 Master Calendar. Second by Fay. Motion carried.

Joint Board Meeting- suggested meeting dates were discussed.

Sharing Committee Meeting- suggested meeting dates were discussed.

Personnel- Motion by Conlon to approve At Risk Coordinator resignation. Second by Fay. Motion carried.

Open Enrollment- Motion by Enderson to approve Open Enrollments to Spencer and Emmetsburg. Second by Conlon. Motion carried.

Preschool SBRC Request- Motion by Fay to approve the resolution of Preschool funding request. Second by Loder. Motion carried.

Board Series 400’s- Motion by Fay to approve the 1st reading of the 400 Board Policy series. Second by Loder. Motion carried.

School Counsel Options- Discussion item. No vote necessary.

Principal and Superintendent Reports - Reports were given by Mr. Josephson and Mr. Lewis.

Information Items- None

Adjourn - Motion by Enderson to adjourn the meeting at 8:18 p.m. Second by Fay.

                   Motion carried. The next board meeting will be February 16th at 6:00 PM.… Wed, 07/13/2022 - 17:19