706.1 - Payroll Periods

706.1 - Payroll Periods

The school district provides the following two options to employees for payroll periods(1) on the 5th and 20th day of each month or (2) the 20th day of each month.  If a pay day falls on a holiday, recess or weekend, the payroll is paid on the last working day prior to the holiday, recess or weekend.

It is the responsibility of the business manager to issue payroll to employees in compliance with this policy.



Approved: 7/11/92                 
Reviewed:  11-09-99, 11-12-02, 12-12-05, 01-15-09, 06-11-12, 08-13-12, 5-14-18     
Revised:  01-10-00, 9-13-22                                                  


dawn.gibson.cm… Thu, 09/22/2022 - 10:13