Board Minutes 2023.12.20

Board Minutes 2023.12.20

Regular Monthly Meeting Minutes 

Wednesday, December 20, 2023 

6:00 PM 

Board Room 

The Ruthven-Ayrshire Board of Education held its regular meeting with the following in attendance: President Darin Malm, Vice-President Susan Sikora, Director Tracy Enderson, Director Stephanie Fay, Director Heather Ruehle and Director Jill Conlon. Administration in attendance included Superintendent Marshall Lewis, Principal Courtney Cook, and SBO/Board Secretary Josh Bader. Absent: Director Amy Loder. Guest: Angie Woods  All motions were unanimous unless otherwise noted. 

Call to Order - Vice President Malm at 6:00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 

Review of District Mission Statement -Enderson

Approve Agenda - Motion by Fay to approve the agenda. Seconded by Conlon. Motion carried.

Board Learning- Teacher Sharing/Presentation -Sikora and Magna presented

Communications-None at this time

ADJOURNMENT- Enderson moved to adjourn the retiring board at 6:11 pm.  Seconded by Fay.  Motion carried.

Malm presented Enderson with years of service award.


New Board Meeting

The Ruthven-Ayrshire Board of Education held its regular meeting with the following in attendance: President Darin Malm, Vice-President Susan Sikora, Director Stephanie Fay, Director Heather Ruehle,Director Jill Conlon and Director Rob Allen. Administration in attendance included Superintendent Marshall Lewis, Principal Courtney Cook, and SBO/Board Secretary Josh Bader. Absent: Director Amy Loder.  Guest: Angie Woods All motions were unanimous unless otherwise noted. 

Call to Order- 6:13pm by Bader

Annual Meeting Items

New Elected Director- Bader administered the Oath to New Board Member Rob Allen.

Election of President- Sikora nominated Malm as Board President.  Seconded by Ruehle.  Conlon moved to cease 

nominations. Seconded by Allen. Roll call taken.  All ayes.  Motion carried. Bader administered the Oath to Malm.

Election of Vice President- Malm nominated Sikora as Board Vice President.  Seconded by Conlon.  Malm moved to cease nominations.  Seconded by Allen.  Roll call taken.  All ayes.  Motion carried.

Determine Time and Place of Regular Meeting- Ruehle moved to approve the 3rd Wednesday or the Wednesday after the 3rd Monday at 6:00 pm in the Ruthven Board Room.  Seconded by Fay.  Motion carried.

Name of Board Legal Counsel- Conlon motioned to approve Steve Avery as the Board Legal Counsel.  Seconded by Allen.  Motion carried.

Board Committee Members- Fay moved to approve the following Board Committee Members:  Legislative Network@ IASB Delegate- Malm, Lost Island Ruthven Betterment- Loder, Palo Alto County Conference Board- Malm, Clay County Conference Board-Fay, School Improvement Advisory Committee- Ruehle, Malm and Allen, Activity Sharing- Malm, Sikora and Conlon, Head  Negotiator Fay, Negotiator Conlon,Loder Observer.  Seconded by Sikora.  Motion carried.

Board Treasurer- Sikora moved to approve Bader as Board Treasurer.  Seconded by Fay.  Motion carried.  Bader took the oath of office.

Board Secretary- Conlon moved to approve Bader as Board Secretary.  Seconded by Ruehle.  Motion carried.  Bader took the oath of office.

Business & Action Items

Consent Items- Sikora moved to approve the consent items as presented.  Seconded by Fay.  Motion carried.

Board Policies-  Conlon moved to approve the following policies as presented with waiving the first reading: 503.1, 503.1R1, 503.2, 503.7, 503.7E1, 503.7E2, 507.2E3, 507.2E4, 505.4, 507.2, 507.2E1, 507.2E2, 601.1, 603.5, 605.1 605.1R1,605.2, 605.3,605.3E5, 605.3E4, 605.3R1, 605.5m 605.7R1, 607.2, and 607.2R1. Seconded by Fay.  Motion carried.

Grounds Contract- Sikora moved to approve Josephson Services for $20,000.  Seconded by Conlon.  Motion carried.

SBRC Application- Ruehle moved to approve to submit the Open Enrollment Out that was  not on the prior year's in the amount of $7,770 .  Seconded by Allen.  Roll call:  Heather Ruehle, Stephanie Fay, Susan Sikora, Darin Malm, Jill Conlon, Rob Allen all Ayes.  Motion carried.

LPS Consortium Agreement- Conlon moved to approve the LPS Consortium Agreement.  Seconded by Fay.  Motion carried.

Modified Supplemental Amount-Sikora moved to approve the Modified Supplemental Amount of $67,570 for 2024-25.  Seconded b y Fay.  Motion carried.

At-Risk/Dropout Plan- Ruehle moved to approve the At-Risk/Dropout plan as presented.  Seconded by Fay.  Motion carried.

Personnel- None at this time.

Administration Reports/Recognitions/Good News Sharing

Mrs. Cook- Shared the Principals report.

Mr. Lewis- Shared the Superintendent report.

Information items

Field Trips- None at this time.

Open Enrollment- Lewis presented one OE out, JL-11th to Emmetsburg

Adjournment-  Sikora moved to adjourn at 7:40 p.m.  Seconded by Fay.  Motion Carried.


The next Board Meeting will be held January 17, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. in Ruthven.

___________________________________________                                    _______________________________________

Board President, Darin Malm       Board Secretary, Josh Bader

awoods@gt.rati… Fri, 12/22/2023 - 10:18