Board Minutes 2024.03.20

Board Minutes 2024.03.20

Regular Monthly Meeting Minutes 

Wednesday, March 20, 2024 

6:00 PM 

Board Room 

The Ruthven-Ayrshire Board of Education held its regular meeting with the following in attendance: President Darin Malm, Vice-President Susan Sikora, Director Amy Loder, Director Jill Conlon, Director Rob Allen, Director Stephanie Fay and Director Heather Ruehle. Administration in attendance included Superintendent Marshall Lewis, Principal Courtney Cook, and SBO/Board Secretary Josh Bader.   All motions were unanimous unless otherwise noted. 

Call to Order - President Malm at 6:00 the Board Room in Ruthven, Iowa.   The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 

Review of District Mission Statement -Conlon 

Welcome Visitors and Guest:  Master Teacher Amy Sikora

Board Learning:  None at this time.

Communications-Discussion was held on open gym and using the weight room, starting up a parent group and  discussion on grant submissions was held with Superintendent Lewis taking full accountability. Lewis has developed a control process to enhance the effectiveness in the future.


Consent Items - Motion by Sikora to approve the Consent Items. Seconded by Loder. Motion carried. 

Minutes- February 21, 2024 Regular Minute. 

Approval of Bills/Claims- Presented by Bader 

Financial Reports - Bader presented the financial.

Activity Reports- Presentation by Bader 

Activity Calendar- Fay moved to approve the April  2024 Board Calendar with the next board meeting on April 17, 2024 at 6:00 pm. Allen seconded the motion.  Motion carried.

Initial Negotiations Informational- Amy Sikora presented for the Education Association the initial proposal and Lewis presented the School Boards Initial Proposal.

Woodriver Agreement- Conlon moved to approve the Woodriver agreement for 2024-2025.  Seconded by Allen.  Motion carried.

2024-2025 Budget Guarantee Resolution- Motion by Sikora to approve Ruthven/Ayrshire CSD to levy property tax for fiscal year 2024-2025 for the regular program budget adjustment as allowed under Iowa Code Section 257.14, Code of Iowa.  Seconded by Loder.  Roll call all ayes:  Malm, Sikora, Loder, Conlon, Allen, Fay, and Ruehle.  Motion carried.

Policy 210.2- Fay moved to approve the first reading of policy 210.02.  Seconded by Conlon.  Motion carried.

Discussion Items- Discussion was held about the Budget and EMC Insurance.

Contracts- Allen moved to approve the hire of Brandon Villabrielle as head HS Baseball Coach and Cade Witzke as HS Baseball Assistant Coach. Seconded by Fay.  Motion carried.

Fay moved to approve Jaydn Allen as Elementary Classroom teacher for the 2024-2025 school year.  Seconded by Ruehle.  Motion carried.

Resignation- Loder moved to accept the resignation of Paul Jorgensen (Special Education Teacher) Seconded by Sikora. Motion Carried.

Administration Reports/Recognitions/Good News Sharing

Reports were given by Mrs. Cook, Principal and Mr. Lewis, Superintendent. 

Information items- Cook presented on field trips that are coming up.

Open Enrollment-None at this time.

ADJOURNMENT-Sikora moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:43 p.m. Seconded by Ruehle. Motion carried. 


____________________________________                                         __________________________________

President, Darin Malm                                                           Board Secretary, Josh Bader

awoods@gt.ratiā€¦ Thu, 03/21/2024 - 12:46