Board Minutes 2024.05.23

Board Minutes 2024.05.23

Regular Monthly Meeting Minutes 

Thursday, May 23, 2024 

      6:00 PM 

The Ruthven-Ayrshire Board of Education held its regular meeting with the following in attendance: Vice-President Susan Sikora, Director Rob Allen, Director Jill Conlon and Director Stephanie Fay.  Administration in attendance included Superintendent Marshall Lewis, Principal Courtney Cook, and SBO/Board Secretary Josh Bader. Those absent: Board President Darin Malm, Director Amy Loder and Director Heather Ruehle. All motions were unanimous unless otherwise noted. 

Call to Order - Vice President Sikora at 6:00 the Board Room in Ruthven, Iowa. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 

Review of District Mission Statement -Conlon

Approval of Agenda: Fay moved to adopt the agenda with changes. Seconded by Allen. Motion carried. 

Board Learning: Teachers Meyer and Buravtsov presented.

Marketing:  Connie with Beyond Broken presented.

Received through the mail- Thank you letters for retiring teachers Karen Bauemeister and Mary Smith were read.

Through Board Members- Fay commented on an interest in a potential water faucet and ice machine at the Athletic Complex


Consent Items - Motion by Allen to approve the Consent Items. Seconded by Fay. Motion carried. 

Minutes- April 17, 2024, April 24, 2024, and May 1, 2024 Minute. 

Approval of Bills/Claims- Presented by Bader 

Financial Reports - Presented by Bader.. 

Activity Calendar- Fay moved to approve the June 2024 Board Calendar with moving the June Board meeting to Thursday, June 20, 2024. Seconded by Conlon. Motion carried. 

Safety Grant- Allen moved to approve the purchase of security cameras and access with the safety grant.  Seconded by Conlon.  Motion carried

Entrance/Office reconfiguration- Motion by Conlon to approve the Entrance/Office reconfiguration.  Seconded by Fay.  Motion carried.

FY 25 Fee Schedule- Conlon moved to approve the FY 25 fee schedule.  Seconded by Fay.  Motion carried.

Personnel-Fay moved to approve the resignations of David Dow- MS Math.  Seconded by Conlon. Motion carried.  Conlon moved to approve the resignation of Adam Mickelson-JH Girls Basketball.  Seconded by Fay.  Motion carried.

Administration Reports/Recognitions/Good News Sharing 

Reports were given by Mrs. Cook, Principal and Mr. Lewis, Superintendent. . 

Open Enrollment- WH -KG going to GT and BK-3rd grade to CAM

Closed session- Allen moved to go into closed session. Seconded by Conlon. Roll call all ayes:  Allen, Conlon, Fay and Sikora.  The board went into closed session at 8:10pm for Superintendent Review Code 21.5(1)(a).  Closed session to review or discuss records which are required or authorized by the state or Federal law to be kept confidential.  Fay moved to go out of closed session at 9:40 p.m. Seconded by Allen.  Roll call all ayes:  Allen, Conlon, Fay and Sikora.  Motion carried.

Superintendent Contract -Allen moved to approve the 2024-2025 Superintendent contract with Superintendent Marshall Lewis.  Seconded by Conlon.  Motion carried.

ADJOURNMENT-Fay moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:48 pm.  Seconded by Allen. Motion carried.


_______________________________                                ________________________________

Board President, Darin Malm                                                                      Board Secretary, Josh Bader

awoods@gt.rati… Fri, 05/24/2024 - 15:30