Click the links below to find the school board meeting minutes.
Board Minutes 2024.07.17
Board Minutes 2024.07.17Regular Monthly Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, July 17, 2024
6:00 PM
The Ruthven-Ayrshire Board of Education held its regular meeting with the following in attendance: President Darin Malm, Vice-President Susan Sikora, Director Rob Allen, Director Jill Conlon, Director Heather Ruehle. Administration in attendance included Superintendent Marshall Lewis, Principal Courtney Cook and SBO/Board Secretary Josh Bader. Those absent:Director Amy Loder and Director Stephanie Fay. All motions were unanimous unless otherwise noted.
Call to Order - President Malm at 6:00 p.m. in the BoardRoom in Ruthven, Iowa. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Review of District Mission Statement -Conlon
Approval of Agenda: Sikora moved to adopt the agenda. Seconded by Allen . Motion carried.
Through Board Members- Thoughts on online courses.
Consent Items - Motion by Conlon to approve the Consent Items. Seconded by Ruehle. Motion carried.
Minutes- June 20, 2024 regular board minutes.
Approval of Bills/Claims- Presented by Bader
Financial Reports - Presented by Bader.
Activity Calendar- Sikora moved to approve the August 2024 Board Calendar with the August Board meeting on Wednesday, August 21, 2024. Seconded by Ruehle. Motion carried.
IASB Proposed Legislative Resolution- After review and discussion Conlon moved to support the following Legislative Priorities: Mental Health, Area Education Agencies, Sharing and Reorganizing, and Private School Choice. Seconded by Allen. Motion carried.
Staff Handbook- Ruehle moved to approve the 2024-2025 Staff Handbook. Seconded by Sikora. Motion carried.
“Touch a Truck”- Sikora moved to approve the City access to land a helicopter on the softball field for the “Touch a Truck” event. Seconded by Ruehle. Motion carried.
Board Policies- Sikora moved to approve the following Board Policies: 401.15,502.8,605.8,605.8R1, 701.2,701.3.701.4.701.5,703.1,703.2,703.3,703.4,703.5,703.6,713, and 713R.1. Seconded by Allen. Motion carried.
Personnel- Conlon moved to approve the hire of Bethany Boyd as Elementary Teacher. Seconded by Ruehle. Motion carried.
Administration Reports/Recognitions/Good news sharing -Principal report was given by Mrs. Cook and Superintendent report was given by Mr Lewis.
Open Enrollment- KU-KG, CU-6th, BU-1st to Spencer.
Adjournment- Sikora moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:20 p.m. Seconded by Conlon. Motion carried.
_______________________________ _____________________________________
Board President, Darin Malm Board Secretary, Josh Bader
Board Minutes 2024.08.21
Board Minutes 2024.08.21Regular Monthly Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, August 21,2024
6:00 PM
The Ruthven-Ayrshire Board of Education held its regular meeting with the following in attendance: President Darin Malm, Vice-President Susan Sikora, Director Rob Allen, Director Jill Conlon,Director Amy Loder, Director Heather Ruehle, and Director Stephanie Fay. Administration in attendance included Superintendent Marshall Lewis, Principal Courtney Cook and SBO/Board Secretary Josh Bader. All motions were unanimous unless otherwise noted.
Call to Order - President Malm at 6:00 p.m. in the BoardRoom in Ruthven, Iowa. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Review of District Mission Statement -Conlon
Approval of Agenda: Fay moved to adopt the agenda. Seconded by Sikora . Motion carried.
Consent Items - Motion by Allen to approve the Consent Items. Seconded by Fay. Motion carried.
Minutes- July 17, 2024 regular board minutes.
Bills/Claims- Presented by Bader
Financial Reports - Presented by Bader.
Activity Calendar- Sikora moved to approve the September 2024 Board Calendar with the September Board meeting on Wednesday, September 18, 2024. Seconded by Conlon. Motion carried.
Coaches Handbook- Ruehle motioned to approve the 24-25 Coaches Handbook with updated dates and names. Seconded by Conlon. Motion carried.
Course Offering/Class Schedule- Sikora moved to approve the 24-25 Course Offering and Class Schedule. Seconded by Loder. Motion carried.
Parent/Student Handbook- Allen moved to approve the Parent/Student Handbook for 24-25. Seconded by Conlon. Motion carried.
Appoint Hearing Officers- Ruehle moved to approve the appointment of hearing officers. Fay seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Board Policies- Conlon moved to approve the following Board Policies: 200.5, 206.3, 206.4, 401.17, 402.3, 501.3, 501.9, 501.9R, 501.14, 501.15, 502.7, 505.2, 603.1, 603.12, 607.2, 710.1, 801.3, 803.2, 905.4, 501.10, 501.10R1. Seconded by Fay. Motion carried.
Safety Grant- Fay motioned to approve Coffman’s Locksmith to replace keys and locks for the Ruthven school building. Seconded by Loder. Motion carried.
Concession Stand Mitigation- Ruehle moved to approve the concession stand mitigation. Seconded by Sikora. Motion carried.
Lunch tables- Sikora moved to approve the purchase of new lunch tables. Seconded by Conlon. Motion carried.
Resignation- Ruehle moved to approve the resignation of Geoff Maurer. Seconded by Loder. Motion carried.
Administration Reports/Recognitions/Good news sharing -Principal report was given by Mrs Cook. Superintendent report was given by Mr Lewis.
Open Enrollments: JL 12th to Okoboji, BL 9th, TL 11th and TC 12th to CAM. CR 7th and CA KG to Spencer and CL 5th to RA.
IASB Convention-Informational
Adjournment- Conlon moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:47 p.m. Seconded by Fay. Motion carried.
_________________________________ _____________________________________
Board President, Darin Malm Board Secretary, Josh Bade
Board Minutes 2024.09.18
Board Minutes 2024.09.18Regular Monthly Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, September 18, 2024
6:00 PM
The Ruthven-Ayrshire Board of Education held its regular meeting with the following in attendance: President Darin Malm, Vice-President Susan Sikora, Director Rob Allen, Director Jill Conlon, and Director Stephanie Fay. Administration in attendance included Superintendent Marshall Lewis, Principal Courtney Cook and SBO/Board Secretary Josh Bader. Absent: Director Heather Ruehle and Director Amy Loder. All motions were unanimous unless otherwise noted.
Call to Order - President Malm at 6:00 p.m. in the BoardRoom in Ruthven, Iowa. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Review of District Mission Statement- Fay
Approval of Agenda: Sikora moved to adopt the agenda. Seconded by Fay. Motion carried.
Communications: Bader reviewed the audit report received from Schnurr & Company.
Consent Items - Motion by Conlon to approve the Consent Items. Seconded by Allen. Motion carried.
Minutes- August 21, 2024 regular board minutes.
Bills/Claims- Presented by Bader
Financial Reports - Presented by Bader.
Activity Calendar- Motion by Fay to approve the October Board Calendar and the out of state field trip to Fairmont, MN for the Preschool and Kindergarten students. Seconded by Sikora. Motion carried. The next board meeting is Wednesday, October 23, 2024.
Open Campus- Conlon moved to approve Open Campus for the Seniors under the supervision of Mrs. Cook. Seconded by Sikora. Motion carried.
Inter-District Transportation~ Informational
Board Policies-Sikora moved to approve the following Board Policies: 502.3, 503.9, 503.9R1, 603.1, and 700. Seconded by Allen. Motion carried.
Contract- Sikora moved to approve the hire of Anna Nutt (para). Seconded by Allen. Motion carried.
Administration Reports/Recognitions/Good news sharing -Principal report was given by Mrs Cook. Superintendent report was given by Mr Lewis.
Open Enrollments: ES-PK ERS-PK to Emmetsburg
IASB Convention-Informational
Adjournment-Sikora moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:14 p.m. Seconded by Conlon. Motion carried.
_________________________________ _____________________________________
Board President, Darin Malm Board Secretary, Josh Bader
Board Minutes 2024.10.23
Board Minutes 2024.10.23Regular Monthly Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, October 23, 2024
6:00 PM
The Ruthven-Ayrshire Board of Education held its regular meeting with the following in attendance: Vice-President Susan Sikora, Director Rob Allen, Director Stephanie Fay and Director Jill Conlon. Administration in attendance included Superintendent Marshall Lewis, Principal Courtney Cook and SBO/Board Secretary Josh Bader. Absent: President Darin Malm, Director Heather Ruehle,and Director Amy Loder. All motions were unanimous unless otherwise noted.
Call to Order - Vice President Sikora at 6:07 p.m. in the BoardRoom in Ruthven, Iowa. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Review of District Mission Statement-Director Allen
Approval of Agenda: Conlon moved to adopt the agenda. Seconded by Allen. Motion carried.
Welcome: Adam Mickelson
Communications: None at this time.
Board Members: None at this time.
Consent Items - Motion by Fay to approve the Consent Items. Seconded by Conlon. Motion carried.
Minutes- September 18, 2024 regular board minutes.
Bills/Claims- Presented by Bader
Financial Reports - Presented by Bader.
Activity Calendar- Motion Allen by to approve the November Board Calendar. Seconded Conlon by. Motion carried. The next board meeting is Wednesday, November 20, 2024 at 6:00 p.m.
SBRC Letter for Special Education Deficit- Motion by Fay to approve the SBRC Special Education Deficit in the amount of $26,541.19. Seconded by Conlon. Motion carried.
Title Applications- Motion by Conlon to approve the FY25 Title Application funding. Seconded by Allen. Motion carried.
Bank Depository- Motion by Allen to approve the FY25 Bank Depository Resolution. Seconded by Fay. Motion carried.
Board Policies-Conlon moved to approve the following Board Policy, 605.3R. Seconded by Fay. Motion carried.
Inter-District Transportation- Motion by Allen to approve the Inter-District Transportation Agreement with no changes. Seconded by Fay. Motion carried.
PACGDC Mini Grant-Stephanie Fay moved to apply for a Mini Grant from the PACGDC for Concession Stand update not to exceed $5000. Jill Conlon seconded. Motion carried
College and Career Field Trip-Motion by Conlon to approve the out of state field trip to Jackson, MN. Seconded by Allen. Motion carried.
Contract- Fay moved to approve the hire of Brooke Kruger (para). Seconded by Allen. Motion carried.
Administration Reports/Recognitions/Good news sharing -Principal report was given by Mrs Cook. Superintendent report was given by Mr Lewis.
Open Enrollments: CB-2nd grade to CAM
IASB Convention-Informational
Adjournment -Fay moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:42 p.m. Seconded by Conlon. Motion carried.
_________________________________ _____________________________________
Board President, Darin Malm Board Secretary, Josh Bader
Board Minutes 2024.11.20
Board Minutes 2024.11.20Regular Monthly Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, November 20, 2024
6:00 PM
The Ruthven-Ayrshire Board of Education held its regular meeting with the following in attendance: President Darin Malm, Vice-President Susan Sikora, Director Rob Allen, Director Stephanie Fay, Director Amy Loder and Director Jill Conlon. Administration in attendance included Superintendent Marshall Lewis and Principal Courtney Cook. Absent: Director Heather Ruehle and SBO Josh Bader. All motions were unanimous unless otherwise noted.
Call to Order - President Malm at 6:00 p.m. in the BoardRoom in Ruthven, Iowa. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Review of District Mission Statement-Director Conlon
Approval of Agenda: Sikora moved to adopt the agenda. Seconded by Loder. Motion carried.
Welcome: Amy Sikora, Ashley Ellenwood and Adam Mickelson
Communications: None at this time.
Board Members: Discussion on how to enhance and improve classroom activity to focus on education.
Consent Items - Motion by Allen to approve the Consent Items. Seconded by Conlon. Motion carried.
Minutes- October 23, 2024 regular board minutes.
Bills/Claims and Financial Report
Activity Calendar- Motion by Conlon to approve the December Board Calendar. Seconded Sikora by. Motion carried. The next board meeting is Wednesday, December 18, 2024 at 6:00 p.m.
Academic Summary Report-Informational
Board Policy 705.1- Loder moved to approve Board Policy 705.1 with changes. Seconded by Sikora. Motion carried.
Activity Complex- Motion by Sikora to approve the continued contract with Jon Josephson for grounds maintenance. Second by Allen. Motion carried.
Contract- Loder moved to approve the hire of Taylor Anderson (paraeducator). Seconded by Fay. Motion carried.
Resignation- Conlon moved to accept the resignation of Melissa Horst (Custodian) and Ahsley Ellenwood (Yearbook/Senior Class Sponsor). Seconded by Loder. Motion carried.
Administration Reports/Recognitions/Good news sharing -Principal report was given by Mrs Cook. Superintendent report was given by Mr Lewis.
Open Enrollments: EH-KG to GT 25-26.
Adjournment -Sikora moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:52 p.m. Seconded by Allen. Motion carried.
Board Minutes 2024.12.18
Board Minutes 2024.12.18Wednesday, December 18, 2024
Regular Boards Minutes
6:00 PM
The Ruthven-Ayrshire Board of Education held its regular meeting with the following in attendance: President Darin Malm, Vice-President Susan Sikora, Director Stephanie Fay, Director Heather Ruehle and Director Jill Conlon. Administration in attendance included Superintendent Marshall Lewis, Principal Courtney Cook and SBO/Board Secretary Josh Bader. Absent: Director Rob Allen,and Director Amy Loder. All motions were unanimous unless otherwise noted.
Call to Order: President Malm at 6:00 p.m. in the BoardRoom in Ruthven, Iowa. Roll Call: Sikora, Fay, Ruehle, Conlon and Malm. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Review of District Mission Statement- Director Jill Conlon
Approval of Agenda: Fay moved to adopt the agenda. Seconded by Sikora . Motion carried.
Guest: Master Teacher Amy Sikora. Teacher Adam Mickelson presented on how he is implementing academics into PE class. Teacher Ashley Ellenwood presented on the National Christmas Tree lighting and ornaments that were picked to represent the state of Iowa at the White House. The board watched the interview clip from KITV news. Connie with Beyond Broken presented the Annual Summary/Review for Marketing for the past year.
Communications: Ray Grandstaff showed his concern about the low testing scores on the State Website and promoted the IASB Convention. In his experience on the board he learned many things there.
Board Members: None at this time.
Consent Items - Motion by Sikora to approve the Consent Items. Seconded by Ruehle . Motion carried.
Minutes- November 20, 2024 regular board minutes.
Bills/Claims- Presented by Bader
Financial Reports - Presented by Bader.
Adjourn Retiring Board- “Sine Die” Conlon moved to adjourn at 7:01 p.m. Seconded by Sikora.Motion carried.
New Board Meeting
The Ruthven-Ayrshire Board of Education held its regular meeting with the following in attendance: President Darin Malm, Vice-President Susan Sikora, Director Stephanie Fay, Director Heather Ruehle and Director Jill Conlon. Administration in attendance included Superintendent Marshall Lewis, Principal Courtney Cook and SBO/Board Secretary Josh Bader. Absent: Director Rob Allen and Director Amy Loder. All motions were unanimous unless otherwise noted.
Call to order: Board Secretary Josh Bader at 7:01 p.m. Roll Call-Susan Sikora, Stephanie Fay, Heather Ruehle, Jill Conlon and Darin Malm.
Annual Meeting Items
Election of President: Sikora moved to nominate Malm as Board President. Seconded by Ruehle. Nomination ceased. All yes. Bader administered the oath.
Election of Vice President: Sikora moved to nominate Conlon as Vice President. Seconded by Fay. Nomination ceased. All yes. Bader administered the oath.
Regular Meeting Date/Time and Location: Fay motioned to approve regular board meetings on the Wednesday after 3rd Monday of the month at 6:00 p.m. Seconded by Ruehle. Motion carried.
Board Legal Council: Conlon moved to continue with the current arrangement with Mr. Steve Avery as Board Counsel. Seconded by Ruehle. Motion carried.
Board Committees: Ruehle moved to approve the following committee’s; Legislative Network @ IASB-Malm, Lost Island-Ruthven Betterment-Loder, Palo Alto County Conference Board: Malm, Clay County Conference Board: Fay, Palo Alto School Board: All Board Members, School Improvement Advisory Committee: Ruehle,Malm,Allen, Activities Sharing Committee: Malm, Sikora, Conlon, Negotiations Committee: Loder-Head Negotiator, Conlon-Negotiator, Fay-Observer
Board Treasurer: Conlon moved to approve Josh Bader as Board Treasurer. Seconded by Sikora. Motion carried. Bader took the oath.
Board Secretary: Conlon moved to approve Angie Woods as Board Secretary. Seconded by Fay. Motion carried. Bader administered the oath.
Activity Calendar- Motion by Sikora to approve the January 2025 Board Calendar. Seconded by Ruehle. Motion carried. The next board meeting is Wednesday, January 22, 2025 at 6:00 p.m.
Board Policy: None at this time
NHS Field Trip: Kayee Ruehle presented on the NHS field trip. Sikora motioned to table till January’s Board meeting. Seconded by Conlon. Motion carried.
At-Risk/Dropout Prevention Modified Supplemental Amount: Fay moved to approve the Modified Supplemental amount of $72,390. Seconded by Sikora. Motion carried.
SBRC Request: Ruehle moved to approve authority to submit a request to the School Budget Review Committee for a modified supplemental amount of $62,608 due to an increase of certified enrollment from prior year. Seconded by Fay. Motion carried.
PERSONNEL-None at this time
Administration Reports/Recognitions/Good news sharing -Principal report was given by Mrs. Cook. Superintendent report was given by Mr. Lewis.
INFORMATIONAL ITEMS- None at this time.
Adjournment Fay moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:03 p.m. Seconded by Sikora. Motion carried.
_________________________________ _____________________________________
Board President, Darin Malm Board Secretary, Josh Bader
Board Minutes 2025.01.22
Board Minutes 2025.01.22The Ruthven-Ayrshire Board of Education held its regular meeting with the following in attendance: President Darin Malm, Vice-President Jill Conlon, Director Stephanie Fay, Director Heather Ruehle, Director Susan Sikora, Director Amy Loder, and Director Rob Allen. Administration in attendance included Superintendent Marshall Lewis, Principal Courtney Cook , SBO Josh Bader and Board Secretary Angie Woods. All motions were unanimous unless otherwise noted.
Call to Order: President Malm at 6:00 p.m. in the Boardroom in Ruthven, Iowa. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Review of District Mission Statement- Director Susan Sikora
Approval of Agenda: Fay moved to adopt the agenda. Seconded by Conlon. Motion carried.
Guest: Master Teacher Amy Sikora.
Board Members Communication: Sikora asked about progress with behaviors and have they improved. Loder noted three families testing out of Title 1 and one family commented that they had their best IEP meeting yet.
Consent Items - Motion by Sikora to approve the Consent Items. Seconded by Fay . Motion carried.
Minutes- December 18, 2024 regular board minutes.
Bills/Claims- Presented by Bader
Financial Reports - Presented by Bader.
Activity Calendar-Allen moved to approve the February 2025 Board Calendar. Seconded by Loder. Motion carried. The February board meeting will be held Wednesday, February 19, 2025 at 6:00 p.m.
FY26 Master Calendar Public Hearing: The Public hearing for the FY26 Master Calendar began at 6:22pm. Mr. Lewis pointed out the changes made from the previous year. Public hearing ended at 6:34 p.m. Allen moved to approve the FY26 Master Calendar as presented. Seconded by Conlon. Motion carried.
Joint Board Meeting- February 5, 2025 in Graettinger at 6:00 p.m.
Sharing Committee Meeting- March 5, 2025 in Ruthven Library at 6:00 p.m.
NHS Trip- Sikora moved to approve the NHS trip as presented. Seconded by Conlon. Motion carried.
Contracts- Conlon moved to approve the hire of Kallie Meyer(paraeducator) and Shaylana Samsel (Paraeducator). Seconded by Allen. Motion carried.
Administration Reports/Recognitions/Good news sharing - Principal report was given by Mrs. Cook. Superintendent report was given by Mr. Lewis.
Informational Items- Upcoming field trips: 1/28 Iowa Lakes Show Choir Festival, 2/6 Iowa AG Expo. 2/8 Sioux Center Showdown, 3/15 Jubilation Show Choir Competition 3/20 Opera Iowa @ ILCC. In state/overnight field trip 3/8 Tri-State Honor Band and out of state field trip 4/26 7th and 8th Show Choir to Chanhassen Theater.
Closed Session: Superintendent review. Conlon moved to go into closed session for Superintendent review per Code 21.5(1)(a). Closed session to review or discuss records which are required or authorized by the state or federal law to be kept confidential, seconded by Fay. Roll call all yes, Loder, Sikora, Conlon, Malm, Fay and Allen. Closed session began at 7:20 p.m. Sikora moved to go out of closed session at 8:03 p.m. Seconded by Allen. Roll call all yes, Loder, Sikora, Conlon, Malm, Fay and Allen. Motion carried.
Adjournment: Motion by Loder to adjourn at 8:03 p.m. Seconded by Fay. Motion carried.
__________________________________ __________________________________
Board President, Darin Malm Board Secretary, Angie Woods
Board Minutes 2025.2.19
Board Minutes 2025.2.19Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Regular Boards Minutes
6:00 PM
The Ruthven-Ayrshire Board of Education held its regular meeting with the following in attendance: Vice-President Jill Conlon, Director Stephanie Fay, Director Heather Ruehle, Director Susan Sikora, and Director Amy Loder. Administration in attendance included Superintendent Marshall Lewis, Principal Courtney Cook , SBO Josh Bader and Board Secretary Angie Woods. Absent: President Darin Malm and Director Rob Allen. All motions were unanimous unless otherwise noted.
Call to Order: Vice President Conlon at 6:00 p.m. in the Board Room in Ruthven, Iowa. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Review of District Mission Statement- Director Susan Sikora
Approval of Agenda: Loder moved to adopt the agenda. Seconded by Sikora. Motion carried.
Guest: Master Teacher Amy Sikora.
Board Members Communication: Loder stated that the PTO will be in and out of the school building due to activities and events that they have planned for staff and students.
Consent Items - Motion by Sikora to approve the Consent Items. Seconded by Fay . Motion carried.
Minutes- January 22, 2025 Regular Board minutes and February 5, 2025 Joint Board minutes.
Bills/Claims- Presented by Bader
Financial Reports - Presented by Bader.
Activity Calendar-Ruehle moved to approve the March 2025 Board Calendar. Seconded by Loder. Motion carried. The March board meeting will be held Wednesday, March 19, 2025 at 6:00 p.m.
Music Field Trips/Competitions- Fay moved to approve out of state and overnight music field trips/competitions. Seconded by Ruehle. Motion carried.
Administration Reports/Recognitions/Good news sharing - Principal report was given by Mrs. Cook. Superintendent report was given by Mr. Lewis.
Informational Items- LG-9th and BE-KG Open Enrollments to Emmetsburg for 2025-2026.
Adjournment: Motion by Fay to adjourn at 6:52 p.m. Seconded by Sikora. Motion carried.
__________________________________ __________________________________
Board President, Darin Malm Board Secretary, Angie Woods
Joint Board Minutes 2025.2.5
Joint Board Minutes 2025.2.5Ruthven-Ayrshire CSD
Joint Board Minutes
Wednesday, February 5, 2025
The Ruthven-Ayrshire Board of Education met in the MS/HS Library in Graettinger, Iowa. Those in attendance: President Darin Malm, Vice President Jill Conlon, Director Heather Ruehle, Director Stephanie Fay, Director Rob Alklen, Director Amy Loder, Director Susan Sikora, Superintendent Marshal Lewis, Principal Corurtney Cook,SBO Josh Bader, and Board Secretary Angie Woods. Guests included: GT- President Kevin Jensen, GT- Vice President Patrick Fairchild. Principal Jeremy Simington, Principal/Curriculum Director Anita Helmich and teacher Rebekah Havis.
All votes are unanimous unless otherwise noted.
Due to lack of quorum, President Jensen and Vice President Fairchild attended as guests as the Ruthven/Ayrshire Board conducted their meeting.
Call to Order: President Malm at 6:08 p.m.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Adopt the Agenda: Sikora moved to adopt the agenda as presented. Seconded by Loder. Motion carried.
Simington and Cook presented the academic sharing report.
Helmich presented the Curriculum Overview
Bader and Lewis presented the Sharing Financials
Lewis presented the Academic and Activity Agreements with no changes.
Allen asked GT board members about Open Enrollment out.
Adjournment: Allen moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:01 p.m. Seconded by Loder. Motion carried.
_________________________________ ________________________________
Board President, Darin Malm Secretary, Angie Woods