102 - School District Instructional Organization

102 - School District Instructional Organization

The Ruthven/Ayrshire Community School District offers an education program for grades pre-kindergarten through twelve.  The levels of instruction are organized by the following levels:

Grades pre-kindergarten through six shall attend Ruthven/Ayrshire Elementary School in Ruthven.

Grades seven through twelve shall attend the Ruthven/Ayrshire High School in Ruthven.

Each school building will have a principal responsible for the administration and management of the school building, the school building employees and the education program.  The principals shall work closely with the superintendent, who shall oversee the administration and management of the school district.



Reviewed:  10-12-98, 10-08-01, 10-08-07, 11-8-10, 11-12-18, 11-08-21                   
Revised:  11-11-96                                                    


dawn.gibson.cm… Tue, 12/07/2021 - 14:53