217.4 - Board of Directors and Area Education Agency

217.4 - Board of Directors and Area Education Agency

The board shall utilize the resources of the Area Education Agency (AEA) such as educational materials and staff resources, particularly in the area of special education.  Support may include, but not be limited to, school psychologists; speech therapists; nurses; physicians; dentists; and aides who work directly with students in the educational process.

The board may also utilize the AEA to work with other school districts in the region for program offerings as well as purchase of supplies.



Approved:   7-1-92                
Reviewed:  1-10-94, 11-11-96, 11-09-98, 11-12-01, 12-10-07, 12-12-11, 12-11-14
Revised:   01-10-05, 11-08-21


dawn.gibson.cm… Wed, 12/08/2021 - 11:24