Ruthven-Ayrshire CSD and Graettinger-Terril CSD
Joint Board Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, March 6, 2023, 6:00 p.m.
Graettinger Commons Area
The Ruthven-Ayrshire and Graettinger-Terril Board of Education met in the MS/HS Library in Graettinger, Iowa. Those in attendance included: Darin Malm, Tracey Enderson, Amy Loder, Susan Sikora, Stephanie Fay, Jill Conlon and MS/HS Principal Jon Josephson, and Board Secretary Dee Johnson. The Graettinger-Terril Board of Education: Kevin Jensen, Mat Hanson, Jeremiah DePyper, Shamus Currans, Superintendent Marshall Lewis, MS/HS Principal Jeremy Simington, Elementary Principal/Curriculum Michelle TeGrootenhuis, and Board Secretary Angie Woods. Absent: Patrick Fairchild. GTRA Superintendent Marshall Lewis and SBO Josh Bader were also present.
All motions were unanimous unless otherwise noted.
1. Call to Order at 6:00 p.m. - Malm - RA Board President, Jensen - GT Board President
2. Determine a Quorum - Both Schools have a Quorum.
3. Adopt Agenda - Motion by Sikora to approve the Agenda; second Enderson. Motion carried.
4. Welcome/Patron Comments - President Malm & President Jensen.
5. Personnel - Motion by Loder to approve the hire of Sarah Rutt - 4th Grade Teacher and Courtney
Cook PK-12 Principal, and the resignation of Haily Hoyman - Kindergarten teacher. Seconded by
Fay. Motion carried.
6. Academic Sharing Reports:
6.1. Offer and Teach- Josephson presented the Offer and Teach Challenges.
6.2. Course Enrollment - Simington presented the Course Enrollment, Scheduling and Equity
6.3. Academic Sharing Financials - Bader presented the Academic Sharing Financials.
7. Academic Sharing Agreement:
7.1. Set Tuition Percentage for 2023-2024 - Enderson made the motion to maintain the Academic
Sharing Tuition percentage for the 2023-2024 to 60% of half. Second by Sikora. Motion carried.
7.2. Percentage of Superintendent Share - 28E Agreement: Motion by Loder to change the
Superintendent’s percentage to 50% RA and 50% GT. Second by Enderson. Motion carried.
8. Athletic Sharing Agreement - Motion by Fay to approve the Athletic Sharing Agreement.
Seconded by Conlon. Motion carried.
9. Questions/Comments - Sikora asked about putting vape detectors in the bathrooms. Jensen
thanked Josephson for his years with Titan Nation and wished him the best in his retirement.
10. Adjourn - Motion by Enderson to adjourn the R-A meeting at 7:39 p.m. Second by Ruehle. Motion
_____________________________________________ __________________________________
Darin Malm, Board President Dee Johnson, Board Secretary