Ruthven-Ayrshire Board of Education
Regular Monthly Meeting Minutes
Tuesday June 14, 2022
7:00 PM
Board Room
The Ruthven-Ayrshire Board of Education held its regular meeting with the following in attendance:
Darin Malm, Susan Sikora, Tracy Enderson, Heather Ruehle, Jill Conlon, Amy Loder and Stephanie Fay. Administration in attendance included Superintendent/Elementary Principal Marshall Lewis, Principal Jon Josephson, SBO Chris Conlon and Board Secretary Dee Johnson.
All motions were unanimous unless otherwise noted.
Call to Order - President Malm at 7:00 p.m.
Review of District Mission Statement – Conlon
Approve Agenda - Motion by Enderson to approve the agenda with no additions or corrections. Second by Fay. Motion carried.
Welcome Visitors and Guests - Beyond Broken Connie Rienert. Dalton Young, Brody Simington, Cormick Currans and Blake Rosacker representing the baseball team.
Board Learning- Connie with Beyond Broken: Presentation of Marketing statistics. Dalton, Brody, Cormick and Blake presented an idea of re-naming the Baseball field to the Board.
Communications- None to report
Business & Action Items –
Consent Items - Motion made by Fay to approve consent items with no financial reports given. Second by Sikora. Motion carried.
Minutes -May 17th Board Minutes were reviewed and approved as is.
July Calendar – Presented.
Personnel - Motion by Conlon to approve the resignation of Tim Murphy -Bus Driver/Grounds Keeper, and to hire Amy Sikora as the Master Teacher. Seconded by Loder. Motion Carried.
Open Enrollment- None to report.
Milk Bids - Motion by Enderson to approve the Milk Bid by Anderson Erickson. Seconded by Ruehle. Motion carried.
Tuckpointing - Motion to table the Tuckpointing project by Sikora. Seconded by Fay. Motion carried.
Board Policy Series- 800’s 1st Reading- Motion by Loder to approve the 1st reading of the 800 board policy series with updates noted. Second by Sikora. Motion carried.
Principal and Superintendent Reports - Reports were given by Mr. Josephson and then Mr. Lewis.
Field Trips -Motion by Conlon to direct Mr. Lewis to contact the Baseball Coach regarding a trip to Omaha for the College World Series in the following manner: Trip to include 8th-12th grade players, voluntary trip, approving R-A students contingent upon G-T board approval. The students would be representing GT-RA. Seconded by Loder. Motion carried.
Adjourn - Motion by Enderson to adjourn the meeting at 9:51 p.m. Second by Fay. Motion carried.
The next board meeting will be July 11th at 6:00 PM.
________________________________________ _____________________________________
Darin Malm, Board President Dee Johnson, Board Secretary